
Showing posts from May, 2019

Do US Dual Citizens Have to File US Tax Returns?

Do US D ual C itizens H ave to F ile US T ax R eturns? Many Americans have a second nationality, perhaps because one (or both) of their parents is foreign, or because they were born abroad, or because they became a citizen in another country after having lived there for a while. Americans with both US and another nationality are known as dual citizens. Some people are unknowingly US dual citizens, if they have an American parent perhaps but always lived abroad, or if they were born in the US because their foreign parents were there temporarily. These dual citizens are known as Accidental Americans. All American citizens, including US Dual Citizens, are required to file a US tax return, reporting their worldwide income, wherever in the world they live. Furthermore, the IRS can access Dual Citizens ’ foreign bank and tax information due to information exchange laws, agreements, and treaties, so they know who should be filing. When US Dual Citizens do file, they can...